Contact Data:
TracesPlay group, Cracow, Poland

Members of the group:

Lucjan Janowski is an assistant professor at Department of Telecommunications (AGH University of Science and Technology). He received the Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications in 2006 from the AGH University of Science and Technology. During 2007 he worked on a post-doc position in CNRS-LAAS (Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems of CNRS) in France where he was preparing both malicious traffic analysis (under Gamma-FARIMA assumptions) and anomaly detection algorithms.
His main interest is statistics and probabilistic modelling of traffic traces.

He invented the idea of writing TracesPlay.

Karol Adamski received M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications in 2008 and Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in 2010 at AGH University of Science and Technology. Currently studing M.Sc. in Menagment at Cracow Univeristy of Economics.
Professionally connected with Motorola Solution Inc. (Motorola Inc.) where he is responsible for the oversight and management of testing products for Subscribers TETRA devices (mobile devices).
His main interest is economy, capital market ( mainly stock market), software development, testing and QA.

He create first version of TracesPlay. Now his role is a project leader also develops and manages change in product.

Krzysztof Rusek received M.Sc. in Electronics and Telecommunications in 2009. Currently he is a PhD student in the Department of Telecommunications at AGH University of Science and Technology.
His main interest is the use of mathematical models for solving engineering problems especially in a field of queuing theory. He is also interest in computer simulation and software development.

In TracesPlay he maintains the cmake build scripts and support for different operating systems and compilers.
emil: krusek(at)agh(dot)edu(dot)pl

Damian Ziobro is student of V year of Electronics and Telecommunications in the Department of Telecommunications at AGH University od Science and Technology in Krakow. He also work in NetResearch company as developer of software for IPTV tests. He also participate in INSIGMA project in AGH University in Science and Technology as developer of software for QoE video. His main interest is testing IPTV and developing software for it.

In TracesPlay he develop video protocols using in IPTV transmission as: H264, MPEG2TS, IGMP.
email: ziobro(at)damian(dot)gmail(dot)com

Maciej Korczynski - main interests: network attacks detection.