What do you need?
MATLAB library
Command line application
C++ library
Other language library
MATLAB Library
We created a MATLAB library based on TracesPlay. The library supports reading traffic traces directly in the MATLAB environment. In order to use it you need to download a compressed file spcecific to your operating system wich also contains a short help file and a demo. Curently supported operating systems are:
Unpack the files and copy them to a MATLAB working directory.
Some examples of how to use TracesPlay
in MATLAB can be found in the examples section.
Examples of Reading the Test File
If you are interested in packet time and size use:
If you are interested in the first 10 packets with information about the source IP address and the destination port use:
The full list of supported fields is given here
A description of how to compile TracesPlay for MATLAB can be found in the readme.txt file included in the source file.
Command Line Application
We created a TracesPlay executable application which supports converting traffic traces directly into a csv file. In order to use it you need to download a compressed file spcecific for your operating system. Curently supported operating systems are:
Unpack it and use. Some examples how to use the TracesPlay executable application can be found here
Examples of reading the test file
If you are interested in packet time and size use:
If you are interested in the first 10 packets with informations about the source IP address and the destination port use:
The full fist of supported fields is given here
Command line application source
A description of how to compile TracesPlay can be found in the readme.txt file included in the source file.
C++ library
We also can deliver C++ library, that You can use in own program. Here you can find some short example how use TracesPlay as a library.
Other language library
Work on progress.