Example of use TracesPlay as library
List of avaliabe metods
TracesPlay library gives the possibility to control the behavior of library by using several methods of control units.Full list methods (avaliable from version 0.2) are describe bellow, all methods belong to class TracesPlay contained in the file TracesPlayDll.h
- void showVersionInfo();
- char* getVersion();
- void setOutputFile(char *);
- void activateOutputToCSV();
- void deactivateOutputToCSV();
- void activateOutputToConsol();
- void deactivateOutputToConsol();
- void activateOutputToMemory();
- void deactivateOutputToMemory();
- void activateFastDataShare();
- void deactivateFastDataShare();
- void activateAlwaysShareData();
- void deactivateAlwaysShareData();
- void writeHeaderToCSVFile();
- void setInputDataStream(VirtualInputStream *inputStream);
- void setOutputDataStream(OutputDataStream *ptr);
- void setPacketRangeFilterFrom(int);
- void setPacketRangeFilterTo(int);
- void activateFilter();
- void setFilterParameters(char **str, int number);
- void activatePrintBasicInfoToConsol();
- void disablePrintBasicInfoToConsol();
- void disablePrintError();
- void enablePrintError();
- void readFile(char *str,char *str2);
- void disableForceFormatType(char *);
- void setAndEnableForcedProtocol(char *, char *);
- bool testMemmoryBlock();
- void decodeOneFrame(char *ptrToBuffor,int bufforSize, int protocolId);
- void setLibraryNormalPrintClass(VirtualNormalPrint *);
- void setLibraryNormalPrintClassWithOutNewLine(VirtualNormalPrintWithOutNewLine *);
- void setLibraryWarningPrintClass(VirtualWarningPrint *);
- void setLibraryWarningPrintClassWithOutNewLine(VirtualWarningPrintWithOutNewLine *);
- void setLibraryErrorPrintClass(VirtualErrorPrint *);
- void setLibraryFattalErrorPrintClass(VirtualFatalErrorPrint *);
display (if activateOutputToConsol was enable) library version and time and date of compiled.
return pointer to string with version label e.g "0.1.3.r203"
allow to set path and name of output file where will be writen CSV data. Default value is out.txt
enable TP to write output data to file in CSV format
disable TP to write output data to file in CSV format - this is default setting
enable TP to write protocols data into console
disable TP to write protocols data into console
enable TP to write protocols data into some space of memmory, that is forrwarde to aplication output stream
disable TP to write protocols data into some space of memmory, in this setting TP will not forrwarde data to aplication output stream, also will not call output stream metods.
allows TP to not check data integrity, and not clean memory buffor. This allow faster work of TP, but some data maybe corupted. Default this is disabled.
if was enabled (defualt setting) library of each sharred data will be check the integrity of the data, and allocate new buffor.
allow TP to share data for each procotol stos, even if they wasn't all protocol fileds that we want to stretch from data
(default setting) TP will not share data if they is no all requiered fileds
allow TP to write some extra header info to output file. Extra header info is list of columne name;
// this param enable to show basic info from program to screen
// read file and start analizy it
// set all parametr and start analiz all file....
when activated TracesPlay will run some mommory block test, that check if size of the structures are preserved
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